Have some positive news

Talks still on going with Peel

dates have been finalised for future experiences to visit this iconic aircraft

Last month we shared the news of the positive discussions that we have been having with Peel L&P. Our initial discussions resulted in an agreement to extend our existing lease until the end of the year. This allows us time to ensure that the choice of home for the Vulcan is carefully considered and one which gives the best opportunity for XH558 to be preserved for decades to come.

Discussions between Vulcan to the Sky Trust and Peel L&P are ongoing and remain positive. This month we can share the fantastic news that Peel L&P have signed-off our planned dates for Vulcan XH558 Tours for the remainder of this year. Later this week, we will email supporters full details of those events. 

We will continue to talk with Peel L&P and explore the future for Vulcan XH558, including exploring any opportunities to remain in Doncaster for a longer period. We will update you further when we have any news.