Doncaster Council has released a further update on its attempts to re-open Doncaster Sheffield Airport and operate it themselves on a lease from site owners Peel.

A meeting with Peel to negotiate terms of the lease will take place on May 15, and the council has also begun moves to impose planning restrictions that would protect key infrastructure and buildings at the site, including the runway. Discussions with the Civil Aviation Authority over management of airspace are also ongoing.

The full statement from Doncaster Council on May 5

Firstly within our last update we identified the current negotiations with Peel on the content of a lease which would see the council take over the site for a significant number of years; to note on the 26 April 2023; City of Doncaster Council received further notification from Peel on the content of this lease; our property and aviation advisers are currently working on a further response to Peel, City of Doncaster Council have requested a meeting between all parties on the 15 May 2023 to progress this matter.

Doncaster Sheffield Airport. Picture: NDFP-15-09-20-Airport 3-NMSY
Doncaster Sheffield Airport. Picture: NDFP-15-09-20-Airport 3-NMSY

Secondly, City of Doncaster Council are proposing to put in place planning restrictions (Article 4 direction) to ensure the airport site does not lose its essential buildings and infrastructure without first obtaining planning permission. The public consultation closed on the 26 April 2023, and the council are now preparing a detailed report in order for the relevant cabinet member to make a decision on the 19 May 2023.

Our third and final update is in relation to airspace, we have discussed previously the importance of retaining our airspace; it is therefore crucial given the current lease negotiations are at a critical stage, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) are the organisation who have responsibility for managing the airspace; thus we will be writing to the CAA and the Aviation Minister over the coming days to stress the importance of our position and how we see our airport returning as a critical piece of infrastructure and economic stimulus for Doncaster, South Yorkshire and the North.

As the elected officials of Doncaster we are united in our efforts to see our great airport reopen, City of Doncaster Council will continue to do all it can to make this a reality, and has our full backing and support.